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January Member Spotlight

1. What’s your day job?
Head of Human Resources for Blue Water Industries LLC, an Aggregate producer

2. What’s one thing you’ve learned professionally from attending the NFCBA meetings that has changed your perspective, or that you’ve incorporated into your company processes?
I really enjoyed the meeting about the Crowdsourced Compensation Data. It offered a fresh perspective on analyzing compensation data and checking for data integrity.

3. How did you hear about NFCBA and what attracted you to join NFCBA?
I heard about NFCBA from a friend. I decided to join due to the relevant topics presented at the meetings. I consistently find something meaningful that relates back to my business.

4. What do you love most about your industry and NFCBA?
I’ve worked in a variety of Human Resource roles, as well as a stint as a Commercial Sales Director. Compensation and Benefits has always been a key part of my job & NFCBA keeps me informed of current trends, as well as resources available.

5. What non-profits do you support locally or are passionate about?
Hickory’s Heart and Hubbard House

6. What’s something about you that not very many people know?
I love playing golf, just wish I had more time to practice & play.

December Member Spotlight


1. What’s your day job?
VP of Total Rewards at Acosta.  I have responsibility over compensation, benefits, and payroll. 

2. What’s one thing you’ve learned professionally from attending the NFCBA meetings that has changed your perspective, or that you’ve incorporated into your company processes?
Having moved to the area two years ago, I did not have a strong network of local professionals.  It’s great to meet people at the events and build relationships.

3. How did you hear about NFCBA and what attracted you to join NFCBA?
A co-worked told me about the organization.  I was very active in a similar group in Atlanta and was thrilled with the opportunity to join the NFCBA. 

4. What do you love most about your industry and NFCBA?
I’ve spent my entire career in Rewards.  It’s fun figuring out how to reward employees, engage them, and drive profitability for the organization.  And any time you can make improvements to people’s benefits, it’s a win-win!

5. What non-profits do you support locally or are passionate about?
Obviously, Wounded Warrior is a great organization.  My wife and I were very active in some animal rescue groups previously and look forward to continuing that locally. 

6. What’s something about you that not very many people know?
Although I am an introvert, I have been known to sport a biting sense of humor.  I also enjoy music very much (most kinds) and played the saxophone – but that was a lifetime ago!

November Member Spotlight 


1. What’s your day job?
Recently retired—formally CHRO for Jax Federal  Credit Union.
2. What’s one thing you’ve learned professionally from attending the NFCBA meetings that has changed your perspective, or that you’ve incorporated into your company processes?
There were so many things I took back or revisited within my organization. And focused on salary/compensation related tools since NFCBA didn’t truly morph into benefits until 6+ years ago. Sales compensation, market pricing, performance management, and pay equity were valuable topics and I brought back wonderful tools and wisdom that I could glean and take back into my own practices. In addition, the 401(k) programs were highly educational, especially the fiduciary and compliance requirements that were evolving with this important benefit program.  It has been great to see the group transform into more community involvement and support organizations like K9’s for Warriors.
3. How did you hear about NFCBA and what attracted you to join NFCBA?
I’ve been blessed to be a part of the organization for 20 years. I was asked by Jacksonville Compensation Association (JCA) to be a part of a speaker panel, and soon after was asked if I had any interest in joining and being a member of the board. Right away, I was elected to the Treasurer role, and then to the honor of being elected to incoming President of which I served until moving to the Immediate Past President and Director Emeritus roles. It has been my pleasure to serve the Association over the years.   
4. What do you love most about your industry and NFCBA?
I’m a self-proclaimed “Comp-Geek,” so my love for NFCBA is two-prong:
         1. The vast educational experience in today's evolving salary administration and performance management programs.
         2. The network of professional support and expertise from our membership. 
5. What non-profits do you support locally or are passionate about?
Dignity U Wear, Ronald McDonald House, & K9’s for Warriors
6. What’s something about you that not very many people know?
I am excited about the Sea Turtle Rescue movement and I am very passionate about the organization and want to get more involved, now that I have more time in retirement.

Upcoming events

  • 03/27/2025 11:30 AM
    Adam W. Herbert, University Center, 12000 Alumni Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32224
  • 05/15/2025 11:30 AM
    Adam W. Herbert, University Center, 12000 Alumni Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32224
  • 07/17/2025 11:30 AM
    Adam W. Herbert, University Center, 12000 Alumni Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32224

 North Florida Compensation and Benefit Association

PO Box 5802

3000 Spring Park Road

Jacksonville, FL  32207-9998

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